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MSc Traction delivers low MTBF for Helsinki Tram Auxiliary Power Supply


Case: Helsinki City Traffic (HSL), Skoda Artic low-floor trams....

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Tamperelainen tehoelektroniikkayritys MSc valmistaa kriittisiä teollisuusluokan konverttereita vientiin


Tehoelektroniikkaan erikoistunut MSc on saavuttanut vahvan aseman raideliikenteen ja teollisuuden kriittisten konvertteiden markkinassa. Vuo...

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MSc delivers critical converters to ports globally


In the past twenty years, MSc Electronics has delivered up to 600 pieces of ACDC converters (type 16040ACDC750) to hybrid carriers and crane...

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MSc and Norelco join forces to offer multi-MW DC power supply for P2X


Finnish MSc and Norelco have agreed on co-operation in producing electric power systems for the rapidly growing hydrogen production market. ...

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MSc`s e-drive system for the world’s first highly radioactive nuclear waste transporter


A significant milestone of the project was reached in the middle of December in the presence of the customer. All functional and electrical ...

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MSc DC power supply system for H2 Electrolyzers


MSc DC power supply system for H2 Electrolyzers has been launched. Modular system architecture enables excellent scalability and reliability...

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MSc delivers Battery Discharge Systems to Germany and Finland


MSc delivers Battery Discharge Systems to Germany and Finland. Systems are used for discharging the car batteries to zero volt level and fee...

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What's new?

  • MSc delivers converters for the world´s first spent nuclear fuel transfer vehicle

    MSc will deliver converters, motor drives and energy storage for the first nuclear fuel... Read more

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